SCO Members iOS App - Video [2018-05]

The new SCO Members App gives you access to the ScreenCastsOnline Video tutorials via a dedicated iOS app for the iPad and iPhone. The video below gives you some basic guidance on using the new app.



You can download a free copy of the App from the App Store.

Stop Press: The SCO Members apps have had some significant enhancements since the original video was created. The short video below will tell you all about the enhancements. You can jump directly to the iOS App segment by using the Chapter List from the video controls


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    Don McAllister (Admin)

    Hopefully, you've seen the latest update John!

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    Don McAllister (Admin)

    Hi Loren, Been a while and I hope you're keeping well. 

    No, there aren't notifications in the app. That's something I'll need to investigate further. Thanks for the suggestion. Watch this space!

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    John Disterdick

    The app is for the iPad and iPhone - what about a mac book pro?

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    Loren Finkelstein

    Hi Don.  I noticed from the Jan 1 weekly update that you said the RSS feed would probably be going away eventually.  I'll try to transition to the app.  Does it have notifications?  I didn't know there was a new tip video today until I saw it in my podcast app.  - Thanks.

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    Ashish Kumar


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